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Word of Life School of Ministry exists for the sole purpose of training and equipping Saints for the work of ministry. It was founded under the premise that the greatest end time revival is yet to come. The church must prepare the five-fold ministry gifts and divinely anointed leaders for the role of leadership in this, the end of the church age, before the coming of our Lord.

We have an extensive course offering, with highly trained and anointed instructors to teach the Word of God. We currently offer continuing education classes, as well as, one and two year certificates in the following areas:

Ordained Ministry, Pastoral counseling, Apostolic & Prophetic Ministry, Evangelism & Missions, Social Media Marketing, Basic Christian Ministry and many others.

We also offer a two year Associate Degree program of Bible & Theology, through Faith Christian University of Tampa, FL. This is a 60 credit hour, accredited Bible and Theology program designed to build Godly character and help establish a strong life of faith. Students will gain further knowledge, understanding and application of the Scriptures.

Upon completing the two year program, the successful student can continue online if desired, to facilitate the completion of a Bachelors, Masters, or Doctoral Degree.

The founders of Word of Life School of Ministry, Pastors Carl & Mechelle Thompson, believe that spiritual impartation is just as critical to successful ministry as instruction. Word of Life students can expect to receive not only a quality education, but an impartation of the Holy Spirit for ministry as well.


We promise a life changing experience!



Dr. Carl E. Thompson, Sr., President

Word of Life School of Ministry






Our Philosophy

The guiding philosophy for Word of Life School of ministry is to be a school where God's people who desire to further their bible knowledge and application can attend and become a vessel of honor that's thoroughly furnished to do the Master's will in the earth.


Our History

   In the spring of 1994 Pastors Carl and Mechelle Thompson started Word of Life School of Ministry, and for ten years they trained and developed Christian leaders throughout the region.  The Lord led them in the fall of 2015 to reopen the school with the same vision; To train, empower and inspire Christian men and women for leadership in lay and ordained ministry.


© 2015 by Word of Life School of Ministy

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