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2nd Year Certification Programs In Basic Christian Ministry



This two year certification program is intended to equip any Christian, who has been called to discipleship and labor in the body of Christ. Their specific calling is not in the area of the five-fold ministry gifting, but effective ministry in the church and community, in service to God. The basic knowledge provided in this program will more than build a foundation from which to minister with a tremendous impact, but also lead to greater maturity, anointing and assurance of the call.

2nd Timothy 2:15:
Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.


First Semester courses available are: Knowing God, Basic Christian Doctrine, The Life of Christ, Effective Prayer, Old Testament Survey I, Old Testament Survey II, Theology of Praise and Worship and Social Media & Church Marketing.


Second Semester courses available are: Knowing God, Basic Christian Doctrine, Old Testament History, Theology of Praise and Worship, Tabernacle of Moses, Church History I, Church History II and Social Media & Church Marketing.


To download an application for this specific certification program go to our home page and click the download the application button.

© 2015 by Word of Life School of Ministy

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